Student Union Government (SUG) didn't just come to stand as we all see but some works as been going on since 2017/ 2018 that was when the first Student Representative Council (SRC) cause assuming we SUG the president will be the speaker and represent the student at the government council but with the absent of the SUG have start to disturb the student we want to represent them and any problem they have will be channeled through us at the council , You know we have seven faculties or school so we do not want all (7) faculty to be present since they have responsibility of their own or some thing to cater so the 2017/18 set where the first set of SRC , they were able to engage and help under that the fight is not just for the SUG to come but to come and stay , cause that was the case SUG would have come but it will not stay long , so we dont want SUG to come and after few years it will go so we went to create a platform that will recieve SUG and make it stay .
Those set that did the process to recieve the SUG so when they left , but the last set that where just there for the power it gave them but coming to our set we start disturbing them to bring back SUG, and for us to achieve this goal we can not just call ourseleves SRC and faculty president ( i did not get what he said ) so we created (Yabatech Student Leader ) when we meet with the management we introduce ourseleves has SRC of the faculty , so 7 SRC member 7 faculty student , so when we begin our movement was that we want it to be the first and only student leaders , cause we want to achieve all this thing and by the time .
SUG was not the primary objective every other was there , so when we went to the management they complain about the last SUG member , that there were so many fault in the past so during the period of discussion we decided ourseleves to form a commitee of (7) and was a member of the commitee in that comittee of 7 we form another sub-committe will rectify the draft of 3 where giving 21 days that is (3weeks) to make the draft out they ended up using one month after that the committe of 7b recitfy the draft and it takes them 21 days to do that so after rectification thay bring it back to the student leaders and they also had to review it for about a month or so but during that period covid-19 disturb the process there was a lockdown , so we had to start a group chart online for.the conversation where the student and all are meant to do the general ratification so that was how we created the Yabatech convention so it lasted for like 2 -3 months but before we finish the ractification the lockdown has been eased but we have not reseumed to school , so we came to school but they said they can not get back to us until school resumed , so finally the school resumed and they got back to us that the ban has been lifted from SUG ..... Mr Sanusi and his team achive there goal .........
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